This is the day we celebrate the life and works of Theodor Seuss Geisel, better known to the world as the beloved Dr. Seuss. Schools and businesses in our community have started recognizing this day as a great opportunity to get community leaders into the classroom to share their love of reading. So while we're celebrating Dr. Seuss, we're also celebrating the joy of reading and learning and what a wonderful world is opened up to us with these two wonderful skills!
My kids always dress up as Dr. Seuss characters and head off to school. They each have "Thing 1" and "Thing 2" T-shirts that they like to wear. One year I made the green egg costume shown above in the pic. My son was so embarrassed he refuses to wear it anymore, but I thought it was a particularly clever idea on my part. Besides dressing up, we also eat "Green Eggs & Ham" for at least one meal that day, and we always snuggle up to read as many Dr. Seuss books as we can find. We'll play rhyming activities, draw silly characters and put them together in our own little silly poem book. Then we of course learn about the life of Dr. Seuss. We always end the celebration by reading "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" and talking about our dreams and goals.
- Oh, the Places You'll Go! and every Dr. Seuss book we can find